Information For


Excavation damage can cause injury, loss of life and environmental damage. It also causes interruptions to vital services and can involve tremendous repair costs. So please, dig safely.

  • Call or Click before every dig or demolition.
    • In Maryland, contact Miss Utility no sooner than 3 business days but no later than 12 business days ahead of planned excavation or demolition.
    • In D.C., contact Miss Utility at least 96 hours but no more than 10 days ahead of planned excavation or demolition.
    • In Delaware, contact Delmarva 811 not less than 2 working days, but no more than 10 working days ahead of planned excavation or demolition.
  • Wait the required time for a positive response from each of the facility owner-members that the lines are marked or are outside the work area;
  • Respect and maintain the marks; and
  • Dig with care! Do not use mechanized/electric/power equipment within:
    • Maryland Excavation: 18 inches of the marked lines.
    • District of Columbia Excavation: 18 inches of the marked lines.
    • Delaware Excavation: 24 inches of the marked lines.

Remember, every company on the job must have a separate one-call ticket number or be listed and acknowledged as a valid temporary excavator before an excavation or demolition. Often, there are several companies on a job site performing work. The construction schedule may dictate different types of work requiring different specialty contractors simultaneously. In these situations, it is imperative for each company to obtain a ticket number or be listed and acknowledged as a valid temporary excavator before an excavation or demolition to ensure that the specific areas have been appropriately marked by any affected underground facility.

Watch on YouTube: “A Message for Excavators – from the Common Ground Alliance”
We’re Here to Help

Training Opportunities

Miss Utility offers free ITIC training and Damage Prevention Seminars for excavating companies.

ITIC Training

Miss Utility offers monthly virtual ITIC training. Preregistration is required prior to scheduled training. Please visit for training dates, times and preregistration links.

To view resources devoted to new users of ITIC, please visit

For questions regarding ITIC training or to schedule a training please contact Susan Sullivan.

(DPT)Damage Prevention Training

A Miss Utility representative and one or more facility owners will travel to your location of choice to discuss basic damage prevention principles as they apply to the region in which you are working. The meeting can run for an hour or more and it includes discussion, playing a short video and time for questions and answers.

Please visit our damage prevention page for more information.

Get Involved

Damage Prevention Meetings

MD/DC Damage Prevention meetings are open to the public and provide a forum for the Members and our Call Center management to discuss matters of business and for excavators and the public to bring matters of concern or consideration to the table.

Damage Prevention Meetings are typically the fourth Tuesday of the month. For a complete schedule, see the Calendar. Meetings will be held at the Miss Utility Call Center beginning at 9:30am. Coffee and donuts are available starting at 9:00am.

Miss Utility Call Center
7223 Parkway Drive, Ste 100 (side entrance)
Hanover, MD 21076

Damage Prevention Meeting Minutes

Current Year:


ITIC Terms & Conditions | ITICnxt Training Video

Internet Ticketing

ITIC is a real-time interactive tool for professional excavators. Enter regular notice locate requests and updates live with the Miss Utility call center.

New to ITIC? Select your region and follow the login prompts. We will quickly email your password confirmation to you. You will need your caller id number account (not a telephone number) to register for a password.

Note: If you do not yet have a caller id number account you will need to contact the Miss Utility Call Center at 1-800-257-7777 prior to registering for a password.

To begin filing an online locate request, please select your region:

Search & Status

Search and Status is an easy-to-use online tool that helps excavators and owner-members quickly find ticket and positive response information. With a few clicks, users can search the history or status of a ticket. You can also find specific tickets by narrowing your search criteria.Note: For ticket status codes, please select your state from the navigation above.

Search and Status is an easy to use tool that helps users find processed tickets by entering a ticket number, using search criteria to find a ticket or using the Search and Status map.

The displayed ticket includes the Ticket Check ‘status’ by scrolling down the ticket to the MEMBERS NOTIFED section. A full list of time stamped status’ are available when ‘STATUS HISTORY’ is clicked. From the MEMBERS NOTIFIED section, Discrepancy and Dispute notices can be processed on a valid ticket.

Click on, FIND A TICKET to select the Search and Status service area

APWA Uniform Color Code

The facility owner or their contract locator will mark the ground with either flags or paint. The colors below are industry standard and each color identifies a specific type of utility.

White: Proposed Excavation

Pink: Temporary Survey Markings

Red: Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables

Yellow: Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum, or Gaseous Materials

Orange: Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduit

Blue: Potable Water

Purple: Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines

Green: Sewers and Drain Lines


ITIC Troubleshooting

After entering your username and password, the only option available is “Logout.”

Send your current caller id number here so the call center can make the necessary edits.

After selecting the state you are working in you receive the message, “This URL cannot be accessed directly.”

Internet Explorer Users: Select Tools. Select Internet Options. Select the Privacy tab; Click Advanced; Make sure that the following is checked – Override Automatic Cookie Handling and Allow First Party & Third Party Cookie. Click Ok. Close and reopen your browser. Go back into ITIC and register/log in.
AOL Users: Select Settings. Select Preferences. Select Internet Properties. Select Privacy Tab. Select Accept All Cookies.

The ticket you have entered reflects the same information as the previous ticket you entered.

You have used the back button on your browser. It is critical to never use the back button.
If you are doing multiple new tickets, click “New Ticket” from the ticket number screen. When doing multiple update tickets click “Finished” from the ticket number screen and then click “Update Ticket” from the main menu.

You are not receiving an email copy of the ticket you entered.

More than likely your spam blocker is the problem. We are not able to assist you in resolving this issue, we recommend contacting your technical support team. For your reference, emails of tickets for Western Shore MD and DC will come from email address [email protected]. Emails of tickets for DE and Maryland Eastern Shore will come from email address [email protected].

You may also want to check and see what email address you are registered under; it may not be the current address you are using. To check your registered email address, click here.

You are trying to register a new user and you have not received your ITIC password via email.

More than likely your spam blocker is the problem. We are not able to assist you in resolving this issue, we recommend contacting your technical support team. For your reference, emails for Western Shore MD and DC will come from email address [email protected]. Emails for DE and Maryland Eastern Shore will come from email address [email protected].

If you are experiencing random problems we suggest contacting your network administrator for further adjustments to your settings. In addition, if you have firewall software on your computer or network, it may require changes. Please report any problems or questions to ITIC support.